Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Life Lately

I just realized it's been months since I've done a post!  We have had a busy summer!  We went to Napa with my brother and Rebecca, Seattle for the Cobb wedding, Amarillo for Nathan's 1st birthday!  We are headed to New Braunfels in a few weeks then we have Carson's 2nd birthday!  We also both started new jobs so that has definitely added to the craziness!  Here is picture overload! 

Beautiful Napa!  Such a fun trip!! 
So much fun with cousins in Amarillo for Nathan's 1st birthday! 
We celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary and had a double date night with the Kellogg's for their 10th anniversary celebration.