Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Owen Chase

Sweet Owen Chase joined our family November 28th at 225pm.  He weighed 7lbs 8oz (which is a huge baby for me) and was 19 3/4in long.  He is so sweet and we couldn't be more in love!!  The boys have been so great with him and love having another brother.  I can't wait to watch these boys grow up!!

We love boys so very much!  Here are a few pics of our sweet boys!  Welcome to our crazy family sweet Owen! 

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Major catch up

Well so much for being on top of the blog and documenting the pregnancy.  It has literally flown by and life has been so crazy that I feel like this pregnancy has come and gone and we will have a baby before it could fully sink in! 

Here are the pics I have managed to take!

The absolute best part of this pregnancy is that I got to experience it with 3 of my best friends!  That has seriously been so much fun!  I am kind of sad that will come to an end soon.  Seeing everyone stare at us when we were out to dinner was the best part!!  So crazy to think that between the 4 of us we will be adding 5 sweet babies!  4 boys and 1 girl.  That sweet girl is going to have her pick of the litter.

Here was our sweet boy at the last sono.  So in love already!!!  It is truly amazing the detail they can see on these sonos! 

He doesn't have a name yet but we are hoping it comes to us when we meet him.  If I haven't had him by Monday the 28th she will induce me but I have a feeling this little guy will decide it's time right about when we carve the turkey and all sit down for Thanksgiving.  It would be the best birthday present I could think of but please wait until I can stuff my face :).  We can't wait to meet you little man!!!! 

26 weeks and summer trips!

I drafted this back in late August and forgot to send it :).

 We had a great summer visiting family!  We took the boys to Amarillo for Nathan's birthday and New Braunfels!  They had a blast!  Here are some pictures of the trips.

The pregnancy is going great so far!  I feel wonderful and the boys keep me so busy I don't even really have time to think about it.  We can't wait to meet our little man :).

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Carson is 3!!!

Weight 29.4lbs (24th %)
Height 37.25in (46th %)

I can't believe our little Carson is 3!!!  It's just crazy how fast time flies!!  You make life so much fun and bring us so much joy!  It's amazing how much we love you and your brother!  Here is a little bit about you at 3!

-You are still our determined little man!  
-You are still either hot or cold, happy or mad at the world...there is no in between with you 😃.
-You are still in the mode of two weeks on two weeks off....the on weeks are fabulous!!
-You have the sweetest voice in the world!
-You are still my sweet cuddler.
-You look up to Luke so much and it's the sweetest thing!
-You are potty trained have been for a while and you definitely surprised us with how awesome you did with this!
-You are my little fish!  We did swim lessons this summer and you picked it up so fast!!  It's amazing how much you have progressed in such a short time!
-You are in the pre-k class at school and have such sweet friends. 
-You love music...especially guitars!
-You could have a legitimate chance at being a competitive eater when you go grow up.  I'm honestly not sure where all the food goes but it's impressive what you can throw down. 
-You can dominate a balance bike!!!  It took a few days but you love this little thing!
-Pretty sure you are a lefty! 
-Your favorite color is brown!  You are probably the only kids who picks the root beer flavor suckers.

We love you so very much!!!!  You challenge us in a way we didn't know we could be challenged but we wouldn't change your strong personality for anything in the world! We can't wait to see the places you will go!  God has big plans for you!! 

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Life lately and 22 weeks!

We have had a lot going on in life lately!  We had always debated adding on to our home knowing that we want to stay in it for a while!  With the news of #3 on the way we decided it was time!  It's definitely a BIG project and a little overwhelming but we are very excited!  We are adding a second floor to our home to make room for our growing family! We had to move every last item out of our home and will be living with my parents for the next 4-6 months.  God bless them for opening up their home to our family of 4!  So forever grateful they are letting us impose on them!  I must say we have a pretty good set up here!  We have the entire upstairs to us and we have used every square inch of it 😃.  I think the boys think they are on vacation! They are having a blast!!  

The pregnancy is going great so far!  It has literally flown by and most days I don't even feel pregnant.  Overall, I can say I've been blessed with great pregnancies but this one has by far been the easiest!  I'm 22 over half way! I've honestly had no crazy cravings or aversions for the most part.  I could eat the exact same salad from Snappy Salad everyday and cherry limeades but other than that just the normal food!  

Here are a few pictures of the last few moths!  

My dad goes on a big bike trip across Iowa every year so sweet Luke is trying to help him train!  We've had lots of pool time!! Carson likes to sneak into Nana and Papa's bed in the morning and watch sweet 😍.

We bring the boys along to furniture shop.  The cool cars and dress up clothes are the only things that make it tolerable for all 😃.

Little guy is growing!  I was looking back and I didn't really document belly pics with Luke and Carson so I don't have much to compare but I feel like this dude is bigger already.  

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Our Disney Cruise

We recently took the boys on a Disney Cruise with my family!  It was the first big trip we have taken them on and we had a great time but traveling with kids is definitely not a relaxing vacation!! I think we came home more exhausted than we have ever been!!!  The boys had a great time with all their cousins and Nana and Papa were BIG troopers for coming along for the ride!  I do think Carson was a little young for the trip and was a little overwhelmed with all people....but if we are being real I was too!  There were SOOOO many people!!!!!  I will say the service and attention to detail on this ship was amazing!!  We had a blast but we are excited to be home and back into our normal routine!

Here are some pics of the week!

The views were absolutely amazing!!  We had LOTS of pool time!  They had the perfect kiddie pool (shaped like Mickey of course).

The top right was what a typical dinner looked like 😁 which leads us to the next picture of our amazing kid free dinner at Remy!  This was the French restaurant and the experience was AMAZING!!!!  It was a 3 hour dinner and the food and presentation was awesome!  Thank you Disney for kids club! 

The boys favorite part was the endless free ice cream!  They had SO much ice cream!  

More pool time!  Sweet Carson was worn out everyday!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Our wonderful surprise!!!

You always hear that everything in life happens for reason....even the unexpected.  We found out on Good Friday that we will have another sweet baby join our family in late November/early December!  We were definitely a little shocked and both have a new found appreciation for goalies....that is apparently a VERY important position 😁.  All that being said, we are so beyond excited to welcome this sweet baby to our family.  It's very fitting since I was a big, giant oops baby too!  And I made life pretty darn interesting for my family!  It's amazing how fast we realized that this baby will be such a blessing and truly complete our family!  

We also had our sono where they do all the chromosome testing and can determine the gender!  Most importantly, we got the good news that all looks good and healthy!!  I am a worrier so getting that confirmation is literally like lifting a 1000lbs off my shoulders!  We were also incredibly excited find out that it is another sweet baby BOY.   When I found out I was pregnant I just automatically assumed a boy because that is all I know and I felt the EXACT same as I did with the boys.  To our surprise the Dr. Initially thought girl but a week and a half later it was confirmed boy!  We were definitely shocked with the switch but can't wait to have another sweet boy and healthy was the ultimate goal!

I'm going to attempt to be somewhat good about documenting this pregnancy!  So far I have felt great minus some pretty legit headaches but if that's all I get I'll consider myself very lucky!  Here is a picture of our little man!  In all the sonograms I've done I've never seen the baby face down for the entire time!  The dr had to come in 3 times to get a good look which now explains the confusion! 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Happy 4th birthday sweet Luke!

Weight - 37lbs 65% 
Height - 42in 81%

Wow...what an amazing 4 years!  It's just so crazy how fast time goes by.  You are growing so fast!  It's crazy when you come and lay next to me for me to see how tall you are!  I honestly wish I could freeze time!  You are such a sweet, loving boy!  You have such a fun personality and make us laugh every single day!  Here is a little bit about you.

-You love that you get presents on your birthday but you HATE when people sing to you.  It's pretty funny! 
-You still talk literally from the minute you wake up until the minute you go to sleep.  I don't think your mind ever turns off!
-You analyze everything and want to know the why and the schedule of everything we do.
-You are in swim lessons right now and not a big fan but you and Carson are doing great!
-You and Carson have a love/hate relationship these days 😃
-You just moved up to 4K class at school and still have such good friends there.
-You still eat more than what seems humanly possible for your little body!
-You are still our super early riser.  You will now sneak in our room in the 5' o clock hour and crawl in bed between us. You are smart to know that sweet cuddles will make us not care that is so.freaking.early 😃. 
-You have a freakishly good memory!
-You seem have more energy than a normal 4 year old but I bet every parent thinks this!
-We love you more than you can ever imagine!  I honestly can't wait until you have your first child so you will realize how incredibly loved you are!  

Happy happy birthday to our sweet Luke!!! 

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Major catch up (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter)

Well this is obviously super delayed and pretty sad but I figured better late than never!  Here is a brief recap in pictures of the last 6ish months 😃.

Halloween with friends!
Thanksgiving and the tech game (I think we got cut out of the pic 😁)
Christmas fun!
More Christnas fun! 

My goal is to be MUCH better at updating this 😃 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy 2nd birthday Carson!! (well 5 months ago )

Here are his stats back from when we went on your birthday!

Weight:  25lbs 21%
Height:  33.86in 45%

Better late than never but Carson turned 2 on September 4th. I know this is super delayed but I started this draft in September and wanted to finish it! 

He was not a big fan of his birthday this year but we still had a wonderful time celebrating! Anytime people would start singing happy birthday he would start crying but overall we had a great time!  I have obviously been really bad about updating the blog lately but going to try to get better at this.  Life has been crazy as always.

Here is a little about Carson at 2.
-You are still our little explorer and play with everything other than toys!  We could never buy a toy again for you and you would be fine!
- You are still into EVERYTHING!  If it's quiet and you aren't in sight we know it's going to be trouble when we find you.
-You are the sweetest boy ever (when you want to be)
-We are pretty sure you will be a lefty!
-You LOVE your daddy and are going through a big phase of only wanting Dad to do everything.
-You still have a solid scream that could be heard in the next city.
-Your laugh is contagious and the best sound ever.
-You have become very picky about what you eat but could eat sweets all day if we would let you.
-You love your brother and always ask where he are starting to play together which is the sweetest thing in the world
-You still do great most nights when we put you down for bed.
-You talk all the time and love love to sing!  I love listening to you sing in the monitor when we put you down at night. 
-We love you so very much and couldn't imagine life without you!  I can't wait to watch you grow up!!

We recently got a letter from the teachers at school and they talked about how much they love your intriguing personality!  Ha I love that they used the word intriguing!  It so perfectly describes it.  You are so much fun and make our lives more fun everyday!

Here are some pics of the birthday celebrations and a few random ones!