Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

11 months old!!

Luke turned 11 months old on the 19th and his little personality is really starting to show more and more!  This kid knows exactly what he wants and what he doesn't and he isn't afraid to tell us about it.  I think he may get that from his mom :).  He also likes to wake up really, REALLY early.  I am really hoping this is just a phase but it has been going on for a while.  Homeboy is ready to party at 5am!!!  That is just a little too early for us.  We have literally been getting in bed at 8pm so we can keep up with him.

He is really getting good at walking.  I love the walking stage for many reasons.  Obviously, it is a such big milestone and he gets so proud and happy when he walks.  It also seems so much less disgusting then crawling all over the gross floor.  That's the germaphobe in me coming out but it really is gross if you think about it.    And hopefully we won't go through as many pants....they all get ruined because he rubs little holes in the knees from crawling.  If I were to design babies clothes I would add an extra layer or two in the knees to make them last a little longer.  They probably already do this with the more expensive clothes :).

Each stage just gets better and better!!  He is so much fun and we just love watching him grow up.  I can't wait to see what comes next!  We love you so much sweet Luke!!! 

Here are some pictures of Luke!!

So proud and excited when he walks!

Patiently waiting for me to finish my coffee so he can have the cup
...this obsession is very strange to me!

Fun on the playground!!
Ready to go at 5am!!  This is how pumped he is early in the morning :)

Fun with his cousins

We have  a little family of ducks again.  The mom comes back every year and lays her eggs by our pool.  The kids are having so much fun seeing all the baby ducks!  Luke will just stare out the window at them.  They are so cute!  She had 12 little ones...thank goodness humans don't have that many at once :).

Enjoying the beautiful patio weather!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Our little walker :)

Luke has taken steps here and there for the past few weeks and he pretty much has it now!!!  It makes him seem so big see him try to walk everywhere. He gets so excited and so proud when he does it! Our little man is growing up!! We can't wait to continue to see him pass these big milestones.

Practicing walking in the kitchen.  He is also a little obsessed with the wine fridge...he will literally lick the glass.  I think he has his mom and dads love for wine already!

We really need to get on the baby proofing thing.  He is obsessed with opening every cabinet and taking EVERYTHING out of it.

Getting so big!!

Monday, April 1, 2013


We had a wonderful Easter celebrating with my family.  We went to my parents house for the afternoon and cooked out.  It ended up being a beautiful day!  Here are a few pictures of our day.

My two handsome men!

Luke taking all of Hallie's food.  If his eating habits now are any sign of when he is 16, he will literally eat us out of house and home!!!  This kid will eat anything and everything!!!

Opening his Easter gift from the Bullard's.  They got him this little bear and you can record your voice on it.  His face lit up when he heard all their voices.

Such a happy boy!!

Wagon ride with his cousins...he didn't exactly get the concept of staying in the wagon and tried to climb out the entire time :)

Family pic

Already LOVES anything golf has done a good job introducing this early :)

Will play in this water table forever!!  Loves it but comes out soaking wet!