Just doing what he does best....so happy when he eats :)
Luke is OBSESSED with golf! He has been pretty obsessed for as long as I can remember but the obsession is definitely growing! Brent will take him to the golf store and he tends to have a total meltdown when he has to leave. I think we may have a theme for his 2nd birthday...and we may have to get him his own set of mini clubs. He's not too shabby for a 14 month old.
Here is a picture of me at 34 weeks with Luke (pink) and #2 (blue)
How big is he his week? Cantaloupe
Best Moment of the Week? Fun weekend at home with Luke. Brent played in a golf tournament on Saturday and I had the majority of the day with Luke. We had a blast! He is at such a fun age....although, I was definitely worn out by the end of the day!
Trouble Sleeping? Yes! I finally got the doctor to call something in for me to try. It's getting pretty bad and I need to get sleep when I can now!
Miss Anything? Sleep, sleep, sleep!! I also miss feeling "normal" each day. I am to that phase where I have NO energy! Working and tending to 14 month old with no energy can be tough. I also miss wearing normal clothes :).
Movement? Yes....all the time! He is most active at night when I am in bed. I hope this isn't a sign that he is a night owl :).
Food Cravings? Still candy and spicy Chinese/Thai food! I may have to cut down on the spicy food because it is now followed by heartburn!
Belly Button - In or Out? In, but the top part pops out.
Symptoms? Sciatic pain and insomnia.
Wedding Ring - Off or on? On
Happy or Moody? Happy...I am really amazed with how my emotions have seemed very normal this pregnancy! I get a little grumpy after a few days in a row of no sleep but overall it's been good. I hope Brent agrees :).
Looking Forward to? The Bullard's coming to visit and we have our sono on Friday! Hopefully he has plumped up some more!!