Our sweet, handsome boy Carson Reid Bullard was born on September 4th at 4:25pm. He is itty bitty just like his brother Luke! He weighed 5lbs 14oz and was 19in long. He is such a sweet baby!! We honestly couldn't be more in love!!! I can't wait to watch my sweet boys grow up together.
Our first few days as a family of 4 have been wonderful! The Bullard's stayed in town over the weekend to help out with Luke. That was such a HUGE help for us. The 1st few nights at home are always the hardest so having someone help out with our active little boy was a life saver!
Luke was a little hesitant around Carson in the beginning and wouldn't really acknowledge him but he is doing better each day. I still think he is probably thinking that someone will eventually come and get the baby and that this is temporary but the more he is here the more he seems to be warming up to him.
Here are some pictures of our family!!
Proud parents :) |
Proud grandparents |
Lots of people came to meet Carson. The last picture is a side by side of Luke when he was born and Carson. They look so much alike!! |
First weekend at home :). |