Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Happy 3rd Birthday Lukester!

These 3 years have FLOWN by!  I so wish I could freeze time.  You are growing up way too fast.  You are the sweetest, most loving, most energetic, most amazing 3 year old we know.  We just love seeing your excitement and passion for life!  You bring us so much joy every single day!  It is so crazy to think of our life before you and Carson.  You both, are without a doubt, the best thing that has ever happened to us.  Here is what you are up to!

- You LOVE sports.  We will play, golf, soccer, basketball, football all before 8am most days.  You go to bed each night with this giant baseball bat and ball and now your new glove Mo and Grandad got you. 
-  You are crazy legit at golf and baseball!  I obviously have no skills when it comes to that so you have to thank your dad on that one.
- We just potty trained you and you did AMAZING!!!!  You were definitely ready and we are so proud with how well you did!  Getting to pick a little car out of the jar each time you went in the potty helped too.  Although we are still working on the public restroom are petrified of those :).
-  You are such a good brother to Carson.  He looks up to you more than you will ever know.  He follows you around everywhere you go.  You guys are starting to play together and it is so so sweet. 
- Your dimples still get us every time. When you hit a ball or do something you know is good you have this sweet, proud look on your face and will raise your hand in the air to's adorable!
- Your laugh is contagious.  You talk from the second you wake up until the second you go to bed....literally!  I love hearing what goes on in that mind of yours.
- You love superheros...especially Superman.
- You love to eat...a lot...and still leave a little trail everywhere you go :).
- You still give the best hugs in the world.  I really don't know what I am going to do when you don't want to hug us anymore.  Hopefully that day never comes.
- You have an insanely good memory!!!  We have to watch ourselves with this one. 
- You have made some really sweet friends in your class and I just love seeing you all play together.  You all do a great job including Carson in on the fun!
- You are still freaked out by bounce houses or anything that you fill with air.  I am just waiting for the day you go crazy in a bounce house :).
- You are still our cautious little boy...Carson, not so much!

We love you so so much!  We are so proud of the sweet person you already are and can't wait to watch you grow up.  Here are some pictures! 

Weight:  32lbs 52%
Height:  38" - 64%

Sunday, April 19, 2015

March in pictures

Fun at the rough riders game! 
Fun with friends!  Luke looks so big in this last pic :(. Growing up way too fast!
Loves these sweet boys! 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Carson's 18 month stats

So crazy he's already 18 months....I guess technically 19 since I'm behind on posting this.  Here are the stats and what he is up to. 

Weight 21.1lbs - 15%
Height 30in (I think) - 15%

Our sweet boy is SO active!  I honestly feel like if we take our eyes off of him for one second he will be into something he shouldn't be.  I know I probably said this same thing about luke but carson seems 1000x more into things than I remember.  If we set something within reaching distance of him he will grab it without a doubt.  

-You may be the thirstiest kid I've ever met.  You literally drink anything that is within eye sight.  He drinks everyone's sippy cup, or any drink for that matter. A couple of sips that you shouldn't have until you are much older 😁.  We have learned to keep everything up high.
-You are learning more and more words each day.  I love the early stages of talking!  It's the sweetest sound. Your favorite words are bar (for nutrigrain bars), milk, hi mama, hi dada, luke, night night, bye bye, airplane and yellow is a new one.  you almost always say thank you when we give you something. You can repeat most words we say.  Just the sweetest sound 😃. 
-You follow Luke around wherever he goes...he's ok with it about 50% of the time.  Luke will tell us at night when he's ready for C to go night night.
-you still try to eat everything!  Most recently it was a bunch of berries off our tress outside.  I spent all day cutting them off after that.  You kept eating the paint from when we painted Easter eggs and tried to drink the dye too.  We need to wean you off the paci but it's the only thing that keeps you from putting random stuff in your mouth. 
-your smile still melts our hearts!
-you sleep like a champ and still don't fight bed....thank goodness! 
-you can throw a pretty solid tantrum. 
-you are small but mighty and so full of life!  We just love you and your brother more everyday!!! 

Here are some pictures!