Weight 29.4lbs (24th %)
Height 37.25in (46th %)
-You are still our determined little man!
-You are still either hot or cold, happy or mad at the world...there is no in between with you 😃.
-You are still in the mode of two weeks on two weeks off....the on weeks are fabulous!!
-You have the sweetest voice in the world!
-You are still my sweet cuddler.
-You look up to Luke so much and it's the sweetest thing!
-You are potty trained have been for a while and you definitely surprised us with how awesome you did with this!
-You are my little fish! We did swim lessons this summer and you picked it up so fast!! It's amazing how much you have progressed in such a short time!
-You are in the pre-k class at school and have such sweet friends.
-You love music...especially guitars!
-You could have a legitimate chance at being a competitive eater when you go grow up. I'm honestly not sure where all the food goes but it's impressive what you can throw down.
-You can dominate a balance bike!!! It took a few days but you love this little thing!
-Pretty sure you are a lefty!
-Your favorite color is brown! You are probably the only kids who picks the root beer flavor suckers.
We love you so very much!!!! You challenge us in a way we didn't know we could be challenged but we wouldn't change your strong personality for anything in the world! We can't wait to see the places you will go! God has big plans for you!!