Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

One month old!

Luke is one month old today!! He has been so much fun and has already changed so much. We were shocked to see how much weight he had put on since our last appointment! He weighed 9lbs 3oz today. He has gained a pound a week since we brought him home! He moved up to the 50th percentile in weight which was a huge jump from the 10th two weeks ago. He is a good little eater.

Brent was out of town all last weekend for his sister's wedding so Luke and I had some bonding time. We had a wonderful weekend together and I definitely have a whole new appreciation for single moms. I was worn out by Sunday but really enjoyed my weekend with Luke.

It was a great Father's Day gift for B to come home and spend time with his little man. Here are a few pictures of Luke and one of the beautiful bride and her new husband!! I was so sad to miss their special day but I heard it was wonderful!!

Luke is already a Red Raider fan...thank goodness!!
We celebrated Father's Day with my family on Friday and T and Nana played dress up :)
Our sweet little chunk!  Thanks Aunt Jen for the onesie!
Luke dressed up for dad for Father's Day!  We have a feeling if he grows into these hands and feet he will be a big boy!
This was the onesie I got for Brent when I told him I was pregnant...he is just now almost big enough to fit into it.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis!!  Beautiful!!
Mad because I took too long to feed him!  I get this face a lot!

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