Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, April 1, 2013


We had a wonderful Easter celebrating with my family.  We went to my parents house for the afternoon and cooked out.  It ended up being a beautiful day!  Here are a few pictures of our day.

My two handsome men!

Luke taking all of Hallie's food.  If his eating habits now are any sign of when he is 16, he will literally eat us out of house and home!!!  This kid will eat anything and everything!!!

Opening his Easter gift from the Bullard's.  They got him this little bear and you can record your voice on it.  His face lit up when he heard all their voices.

Such a happy boy!!

Wagon ride with his cousins...he didn't exactly get the concept of staying in the wagon and tried to climb out the entire time :)

Family pic

Already LOVES anything golf has done a good job introducing this early :)

Will play in this water table forever!!  Loves it but comes out soaking wet!

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