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Saturday, December 13, 2014

Christmas 2014

It's has been a crazy busy, but fun, December.  I think we had something every single weekend.  We had a wonderful Christmas Eve with my family then flew to Amarillo to see the Bullards.  Here is picture overload :).

Santa pics from the past 3 years :) 

Santa's Village in Richardson with school friends. 

More fun with friends...well maybe not with Clifford.

Christmas with my family.  Many failed attempts for a good picture :).

Seeing what Santa brought.  Luke was SO excited about his train table!  Santa had no idea how big this was until it was put together but all worth it seeing how excited he was! 

Fun with the Bullard Family.  It was so great to see everyone!

The parents even got a little adult night out.  Thanks to Mo and Jack for watching the kids! 

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