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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Adult vacation

We were very lucky to get a wonderful adult beach vacation with some good friends! We absolutely LOVE to travel and that definitely gets more difficult with a little one but we feel it's important to find time to get away every now and then.  We are so lucky to have wonderful grandparents that were willing to help out so we could get away.  My parents kept Luke a few nights and then the Bullard's came in.

We had such a wonderful time in Puerto Vallerta and the resort was absolutely beautiful!! If you are looking for a great place to go I would highly recommend Secrets Vallerta Bay Resort  I know the name "Secrets" makes it seem like it could be one of those swingers resorts but trust me it is not.  Although, it is adult-only and all-inclusive which are a must for me.  We have been to a couple of the Secrets resorts and this was by far our favorite!!  The staff was amazing and the food was excellent.  Here are a few pics of our vacation.

View from our room in the morning

Having a few drinks after dinner

This was our favorite place to go in the resort...It was a terrace that over looked the whole resort and you could hear the waves crash.  So relaxing!

View from the terrace at sun rise.

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