Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 31, 2013

15 months and "1st day of school"

Luke turned 15 months old on August the 19th.  He is growing like a weed and keeping us busier than ever!

Here are his 15 month stats:

Weight:  22lbs 15oz - 48%
Height:  34 in - 57th%
(Or somewhere right around there....I forgot to write it down)

Below is a picture of him at the doctor for his 15th month check up and shots. He handles shots like a champ and always has thank goodness. I would take these over a haircut any day!  He still FREAKS out when we get his haircut....such a beat down!


I always love seeing every one's adorable back to school pictures. I don't think I truly appreciated them until I had a kid. Well Luke's school gave us this little gem of a picture of Luke on his official 1st day of this year. He has obviously gone all summer but this is when the big kids start so they consider it the "1st day". Never a good idea to take food away from this kid then try to snap a pic. You will get this every time :). They are doing a re-do needless to say!
Loves, loves, loves books! 

Little play area at the Galleria because it's way too hot to do anything outside :).

We always get excited for football season and cooler weather...especially since we will be adding a sweet baby boy to our family!! Wednesday the 4th is the BIG day!!!  We can't wait!

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