Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, November 30, 2012

6 months!

Our little man is 6 months old!  It is so hard to believe that he is already 6 months old!  He has been so much fun and has such a great personality.  He is ALL boy!!  I have a feeling once he starts moving and talking....he may never stop :). 

He weighed 17.1 lbs and was 26in long....right in the 50% for both.

Here are some pics of our little man.

They took school pictures at his little" school".  Got to love the fall background and the brown velvet blanket.  Such a handsome little guy.

Second school pic with the faded background just like when I was in grade school.  We decided to make a little binder of all his school pics and give it to him when he graduates so he can look back at all his years.  Thought it would be a fun thing for him when he is older :).
Loves food....more so veggies than fruit but will try anything!

Sitting up on his own....for the most part.

Thanksgiving day with Papa!

So close to crawling....just can't quite get his hands to move.

Doesn't really know what to think about puffs yet.

Moving around just fine despite not quite crawling yet.

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