Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 9, 2012

On the move

Luke officially started crawling right around 6 months. It is amazing how that milestone completely changes your life! Luckily he is still in the somewhat slow, still getting the hang of it phase, but he is still all over the place!

He also got his 1st two teeth the same day. We are hoping this explains the recent desire to be up ALL night long!! The night after they broke through he slept much better! It's amazing how you always find something to blame it on when they don't sleep. He has been "teething" or going through a "growth spurt" since the day was born. I think it just makes you feel better when there is a reason. Here are some pics of sweet Luke!

  His 1st moves....more of the army crawl here but he gets there.  Wanted to get to that video of himself so bad.

We went to go see Santa with T and Halllie....he was a big fan of Mrs. Claus
Trying to get some Christmas card pics....much harder now that he just wants to crawl everywhere!

This was his way of telling me he was over dinner....poor guy!  I went to dinner with Jen and it was so incredibly hot in there that we had to strip him down to his diaper!  We left shortly after this :).

A night out on the town.  We celebrated Trey's birthday with a great dinner then out for a few drinks.  So nice to get out every now and then.

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