Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, October 21, 2013

Obsessions continued...

Luke is so funny with the things he loves. He has had some pretty strong obsessions, as I'm sure all kids do.  We finally got over coffee cups and we have moved on to bananas, pumpkins, animals, books, golf and public transportation.  Yes, public transportation...really of any kind.  He loves taxis, buses, boats and most of all....airplanes.  They tell us at school he just stares into the sky and points at every plane.  They always put on his little sheet his favorite thing of the day.  When I picked him last week it said "Luke was really excited to see the Dart bus" random.  Sweet papa took him to Addison airport to see the planes!  He had a blast!

Here are a few pics from the airport, the pumpkin patch and the farm!  He had a fun weekend.  I guess next weekend we will take him to the Dart Station :).  

All bundled up watching the planes, got to walk and see them all, followed by a little golf that afternoon. 

Fun at the pumpkin patch....until we had to leave!

Luke had a blast at the Owens Farm!  He got to feed the goats and see lots of pumpkins and tractors.

Sweet boy is so alert!  We are even getting some sweet smiles now :).  Love these boys so much!!

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