Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

4 months old!!

Our sweet, little Carson is 4 months old.  I honestly can't believe how fast time flies by!  I think it has gone even faster this time because Luke keeps us so busy!  Carson has literally been the sweetest, easiest baby! Here are his stats and what he is up to.

Weight 13lbs 11oz - 15th %
I can't remember length and head but those were both around 15th % too.

-You have just recently rolled over from stomach to back.  
-You are sleeping through the night (ahhhhh thank goodness) it is amazing how precious sleep is these days!
-You sleep WAY later than sweet Luke....he has about two hours on you every morning.
-You will smile at anyone that looks at you and it lights up a room
-You love to be held and talked to
-You get jealous if we give Luke more attention than you.  Your bottom lip will come out and get us every time.
-You are starting to laugh...a baby laughing is one of the greatest sounds in the world!!
-You eat about five 6-8oz bottles a day.  We are going to start rice cereal this week.

We just love these sweet boys so much and can't wait to watch them grow up together! 

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