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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas 2013

We had a wonderful Christmas celebrating with the boys!!  We did have the curse of the Christmas sickness for the second year in a row and couldn't travel to Amarillo :(.  It absolutely breaks our heart when this happens!  We were so sad we couldn't go but knew it was the best decision for Carson.  Poor guy was really sick with RSV.  He had 102 fever for days and ultimately had to get breathing treatments.  We are so glad he is finally feeling better.  It's so hard to see your little ones sick!  We are looking forward to celebrating with the Bullard's this weekend and getting to Amarillo as soon as they get settled in their new house!

Here are a few pictures of our sweet boys enjoying the holidays!

We went to the most beatiful light display in Dallas.  Every single tree was in a different color!  So beautiful and Luke LOVED it!

We took the boys to see the Trains at Northpark and Luke loved it.  He was very serious about them at first :).  Carson wasn't really into it....he was sacked out the entire time!

Christmas morning!  Luke still doesn't really get the Santa thing but he sure loved waking up to fun new toys.  He was able to spend the morning with some of his cousins!

Instead of our typical gift exchange we did a wine tasting competition with a cab under $30 and winner got 1st pick of the prize which was $200 worth of wine.  Our wine won !!  It was so fun and great to find some good new wines.  We also did a fun new tradition on NY that I saw on pinterest.  Throughout the year we put memories in a jar and we opened it up on NYE.  It was so fun to look back at all our blessings of 2013.  What an incredible year!

My mom always gets the kids matching PJ's for Christmas.  This was the best picture we could get of all the kids.  Carson looks like he's passed out here but he was just resting his head :).

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