Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Baby Proof

Being 1st time parents we have quickly learned that some of these little gadgets they make that are "baby proofed" aren't so easy to figure out! My 1st clue should have been at a baby shower when I was pregnant. I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to open the door that had that little plastic cover on it! I felt really stupid especially since I was pregnant and knew I needed to learn at some point in the near future :). We have had some pretty comical learning experiences so far!!

Our 1st was at the hospital when B went to get the car seat so we could load Luke up and head home. I started worrying when he was still gone after 30-45 minutes. I thought he may have jumped ship on us for a minute but he was down in the garage googling how to remove the car seat from the base. This was followed by us trying to figure out how to loosen the straps for good 10 minutes to get Luke out when we got home. Poor guy was screaming and we were trying to convince ourselves that the car seat was just poorly made and we weren't that stupid!

We also had to have my sister come over and show us how to bathe him (mulitple times) and put a onesie over his head....I was so worried I was going to suffocate him after the 1st attmept so he lived in outfits we could put on without going over his head for the 1st two weeks :).

We then attempted to put him in the BOB stroller without the car seat 6lbs he pretty much slid right out! Good thing we realized this wasn't right before we went on the walk.  I also spent about 20 minutes trying to open my Snap and Go stroller so I could take Luke in the Gap. I ended up just having my mom sit in the car with him while I ran in becuase I couldn't figure out how to open it.

I honestly don't know what I would do without my friends and family. They have been so helpful.  I have made mulitple calls to Jen....she is someone I can always call with these events and she never makes me feel stupid. I think all 1st time parents have been there at some point in time and I know this is only the beginning :). Here are some pictures of sweet Luke!!

He is such a good sleeper!!  For the past few nights he has slept 7-8 hours straight!  It is so great to get an almost full nights sleep again!!

My parents were so nice to watch Luke one evening and let us have a date night!  We had a nice dinner and saw Jersey Boys.  It was a wonderful date night with Brent.

This was poor Luke in the BOB....I am so glad I didn't try to go on a walk with him like this...he definitely knew something was wrong here :).

Really happy after another good of many he had that day!

Not sure if he is a big fan of the Bumbo yet.  He wasn't sure how he felt about the whole sitting up thing...

Getting a little better.

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