Brent was out of town all last weekend for his sister's wedding so Luke and I had some bonding time. We had a wonderful weekend together and I definitely have a whole new appreciation for single moms. I was worn out by Sunday but really enjoyed my weekend with Luke.
It was a great Father's Day gift for B to come home and spend time with his little man. Here are a few pictures of Luke and one of the beautiful bride and her new husband!! I was so sad to miss their special day but I heard it was wonderful!!
Luke is already a Red Raider fan...thank goodness!!
We celebrated Father's Day with my family on Friday and T and Nana played dress up :)
Our sweet little chunk! Thanks Aunt Jen for the onesie!
Luke dressed up for dad for Father's Day! We have a feeling if he grows into these hands and feet he will be a big boy!
This was the onesie I got for Brent when I told him I was pregnant...he is just now almost big enough to fit into it.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis!! Beautiful!!
Mad because I took too long to feed him! I get this face a lot!
Happy one month Luke!!