Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 21, 2013

18 months old!

So crazy to think that Luke is already 18 months.  He becomes more of our little man every single day!  We had his check up but no shots thankfully!  He is now at the age that he recognizes the office right when we get there and remembers the shots he had.  When he was going through all his allergy testing he had a rough week with a few blood draws and it has left him petrified of the office :(.  We definitely had a major meltdown the entire time we were there.  It took two of us just to get him undressed and on the scale.  My doctor reassured me this was pretty normal for this age because they can remember...but it definitely makes for a long visit.  I think we were all sweating by the time we left.

Here are his 18 month stats:

Weight: 24lbs 12oz ~ 58th %
Height:  32.75in ~ 62%

Things he currently loves:
-Running favorite thing is in the morning when I take him out of his crib and his little legs start going....straight to the kitchen of course at full speed.
-Fire trucks, buses, airplanes, trucks...we got him some cute little PJ's with all these different forms of public transportation on them and he loves them!  He will go around and show everyone the fire trucks and planes.  Most days he fights me because he wants to wear that to school.
-Lawn mowers...he REALLY likes when the guys come to mow our lawn.  He follows them around every window.  He really likes the leaf blower....he followed right behind them at my parents house and just keep saying more, more!  I'm sure they love having a little shadow help them :).
-He also still does this with the vacuum...he is obsessed with the vacuum!  I really think he just likes all the things that make really loud noises.
-He is also just now into Mickey which is nice because it will give us an occasional 20 min break although I think I will forever have the song stuck in my is very catchy:).
-And of course he still loves bananas, golf, balls, and slides.

He is great with Carson!  He is getting more and more interested in him everyday.  I just can't wait to see these two boys running around playing together!  We just love them both more everyday and can't imagine our lives without them!  Here are a few pictures of the boys!

Sweet boy cuddling before bed, LOVED the tree at the Galleria...kept saying "WOW"

Love this sweet face :)...he will give us this little half, crooked smile that just melts you

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Visit from the Bullard's

Granddad, Mo, and Aunt B came to visit us this past weekend (we missed you Uncle E)!  We had such a wonderful time with them and the boys were definitely sad to see them go!  We spent the majority of the weekend trying to convince them to move here....maybe one day :).

We had such a fun weekend!! The weather was absolutely perfect so we grilled steaks Friday night and we made Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday.  We fried a turkey and for our first time doing this alone it was surprisingly good!  It was touch and go there for a bit!    Here are some pictures from the weekend.

These boys just loved seeing everyone!!  Only Granddad can get these boys to nap with him like this...just so sweet! 

We also made time to take them to the Arboretum Saturday morning. They still have the pumpkin display out so Luke had a blast!

It was beautiful as always there!

So many pumpkins!
Thanks again Bullard's for driving down to see us!  We absolutely loved having you all here!!  We can't wait to see you guys again soon.  The boys miss you already!!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

2 months old!

Carson just turned 2 months old.  We had his check up and shots and he did great!  He is definitely growing like crazy and getting chunky.  He is so much fun and so sweet!!  He is slowly starting to sleep a little more which is nice!  Although, daylight savings did a little number on Luke....we have had 3 days and counting of him waking up ready to party at 445am.  That comes WAY too soon after being up with Carson.  I think I have finally just accepted that he is, and probably always will be, our early riser.  Here are Carson's two month stats.

Weight:  10lbs 10oz ~ 15th%
Height:  22in ~ 11th%
Head:  15th%

Luke keeps us busy as ever.  We have really experienced more of Dallas since he was born than we ever have.  It is so much fun to take him somewhere new and just see the excitement in his eyes.  I just love being able to experience it all with him.  We went to the arboretum with the boys last weekend and I loved it.  I'm kind of embarrassed to say I had never been there.  It is so beautiful....I love flowers so this was right up my alley.  Luke is still big on his pumpkin obsession so he was literally in pumpkin heaven!!  I honestly have never seen so many pumpkins in one place.  He had an absolute blast!  We will definitely be going back there soon.  Here are some pictures of the boys!
Had a blast!

Sweet boy is growing!  Don't judge...but we already have our tree up :)...fitting that Luke is wearing Halloween PJ's while helping me decorate since we put it up so early.  He absolutely loves it though so totally worth it :).

Crazy hair day at school again...he didn't really know what to think about it.  He is also really into the vacuum for some reason.  He wants me to vacuum everyday and same thing when we go to my parents.  Our floors have never been this clean! 

Friday, November 1, 2013


Luke and Carson had a great Halloween!!  Luke has absolutely had a blast this fall.  He loves pumpkins and the fact that he gets to see them every single day!  We have a minor meltdown every morning going into school because he can't stay outside with their little pumpkin display. 

Carson is getting bigger and bigger!  He is such a great baby and so laid back!  I am just loving my time home with him.  It is going to be really hard to go back to work in a few weeks. 

Here are a few pics of the boys enjoying the Fall!
Luke at his Fall festival at school with his friends.  Don't judge that he isn't dressed up....he is VERY particular about what he wears :).  Loves the park by our house!

My sweet skeletons trick or treating!  Luke did great....he ran behind Chase and T the whole time.  I think he was just excited about all the pumpkins on the porches and didn't really get the whole candy thing, but either way he loved it! 

More celebrating!

This sweet boy is growing so fast!!!  He just gets sweeter everyday!  Aunt Rebecca came by to meet him while she was in town!  Can't wait to meet his Uncle Jeff at Thanksgiving!