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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Visit from the Bullard's

Granddad, Mo, and Aunt B came to visit us this past weekend (we missed you Uncle E)!  We had such a wonderful time with them and the boys were definitely sad to see them go!  We spent the majority of the weekend trying to convince them to move here....maybe one day :).

We had such a fun weekend!! The weather was absolutely perfect so we grilled steaks Friday night and we made Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday.  We fried a turkey and for our first time doing this alone it was surprisingly good!  It was touch and go there for a bit!    Here are some pictures from the weekend.

These boys just loved seeing everyone!!  Only Granddad can get these boys to nap with him like this...just so sweet! 

We also made time to take them to the Arboretum Saturday morning. They still have the pumpkin display out so Luke had a blast!

It was beautiful as always there!

So many pumpkins!
Thanks again Bullard's for driving down to see us!  We absolutely loved having you all here!!  We can't wait to see you guys again soon.  The boys miss you already!!

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