Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

33 weeks

Luke is having so much fun this summer!! He is semi obsessed with water...the pool, the sprinkler, the water table, the shower...really anything water related!  When he wakes up the first thing he wants to do is play in the sprinkler....after eating of course!

He LOVES being outside and this kid is all boy!!  He is so much fun but he definitely wears us out by the end of the day.  From the moment he wakes up (at 5am!!) until he goes down, it's "go" mode!  I love that he is active and loves exploring but at 33 weeks prego and 100 degrees I am pooped by the time he goes to bed!  I have taken it upon myself to also have a 730-8 bedtime.  It is really about the only way I can make it :).  

Here are some pics and our 33 week update!  I'm still feeling great and super excited to meet our sweet boy :).  

He may kill us one day for the semi-naked pic but it is just too cute not to share :) you can't see anything.
Fun swimming with his cousins

He would spend all day outside in the pool and sprinkler if we would let him.  His belly looks just as pregnant as mine these days.  The other day his little belly button even popped out like mine after he ate! 
How far along? 33 Weeks

How big is he his week? Pineapple

Best Moment of the Week?  Early date night with Brent at Houston's.  Luke's school doesn't close until 630 so we went to an early dinner at Houston's.  I sometimes forget how nice it is to have a nice, quiet dinner just the two of us.  We need to be better about doing this more often and taking advantage of the free child care.

Trouble Sleeping? Yes!  

Miss Anything? Sleep and wine

Movement? Yes....the other night Brent and I sat there for 20 minutes just feeling the little guy!  He was having a party in there.  I'm to the point now where you can almost tell if it is his hand, foot or little butt.

Food Cravings? Still candy and now spicy Chinese/Thai food!  This is very random because I literally didn't eat that at all with Luke.  Amazing how each pregnancy is so different!

Belly Button - In or Out? In, but little parts of it will pop out after a big meal.

Symptoms?  Sciatic pain and insomnia.
Wedding Ring - Off or on? On

Happy or Moody? Happy  

Looking Forward to?  The Bullard's coming to visit next week.  They are possibly getting here in time for the sonogram which would be so fun for them to see the little guy.  We are so exicted for them to come visit and I know Luke will be SO pumped to see them!! 
They did another 3D sono at our last appointment.  I LOVE that they have been doing these everytime :).  It is so crazy how much you can see.  I know the pics always turn out a little weird/creepy looking but still so amazing to see.  Everyone has said he looks a lot like Luke.

1 comment:

  1. omg I cracked up at how Lukes belly button popped out after he ate! hahah I just love that little boy and can't wait to see y'all and meet the new little man!!
